Tuesday, November 30, 2010

John Roselli leaving a hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee, 1976

John Roselli, born Fillipo Sacco, was an influential mobster who controlled the Mafia's operations in Hollywood and was involved in the CIA plot to kill Fidel Castro AND somehow managed to cheat Zeppo Marx (as well as other actors at the time) out of millions of dollars in poker games at some point during his busy career.  Crazy.

Roshumba Williams, 1994

Orson and Rita Welles, 1944

Defining Decades

I don't know if you agree, but I think that the decade is one of the only units of time measurement that seems to be true to the way we perceive it. We often forget to reflect on the past, but the 20th century was probably the most eventful in human history and each of its decades contributed a wealth of exciting perspectives. My intention in making this blog is to capture those perspectives that defined the decades of the 20th (and perhaps some day 21st) century. The people, places, and things you will see here were influential in their time, and as such they have a lot to teach us as we inhabit the present and pioneer into the future.